Abhishek and Aishwarya Bachchan’s daughter Aaradhya Bachchan turned seven on Friday. The doting parents hosted a party for their little munchkin. At the party, the entire Bachchan family including Amitabh, Jaya and Shweta came to wish the youngest member of the family. Also. seen at the party were Aaradhya’s cousins and her maternal grandmother Vrinda Rai. Clad in a yellow dress, birthday girl Aaradhya looked as adorable as ever as she posed for the shutterbugs.
The inside photos from the intimate party were shared by Fanney Khan actor Aishwarya on her Instagram account. “💖LOVE YOU ANGEL AARADHYA💖Happiest Birthday my darling😍🥰,” read the caption of the photo Aishwarya posted with Aaradhya and husband Abhishek. The photo featuring all the Bachchans and the kids at the party too surfaced on Aishwarya’s social media account with the caption, “💖HAPPY 7th my darling Aaradhya💖🌟”.
On Friday, Abhishek Bachchan wished his ‘little princess’ with a special message and an illustration of his family portrait. “Happy birthday little princess! You are the pride and joy of the family. I pray you remain the ever smiling, innocent and loving girl that you are. Love you with all my heart.” He also thanked Aishwarya for bringing Aaradhya in their lives. In another post, the Manmarziyaan actor wrote, “My beauties. A child’s birthday cannot be complete without appreciating her mother. For giving birth to her, For loving her, taking care of her and basically just being a Wonder Woman! To the Mrs.- thank you for giving me the greatest gift ever…. Our daughter! And to my Angel- Happy Birthday again, Aaradhya.”
See photos of Bachchans as they arrive at a restaurant to celebrate Aaradhya Bachchan’s birthday