Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What are some hacks that everyone should know?

1. Buy a Greens Mix and a Shaker
This will take you a few seconds to do but will have positive results for YEARS to come.
Because of the lowered quality of our modern food, most of us have severe micronutrient deficiencies that lead to all sorts of issues like brain fog, fatigue, insomnia, and mood swings.
Invest in a high-quality greens mix (I recommend either Athletic Greens, Onnit’s EGN, or Legion’s Genisis) and drink it every morning on an empty stomach.
It will take you less than a minute a day and will give you the same energy and mental boost as spending 15 minutes preparing a green smoothie.
2. Buy a Notepad and a Pen and Carry it With You Everywhere
This might sound simple, but this one trick can have profound implications on your life.
Everyday we have ideas pop into our heads, we learn new things from people we meet, and see/hear things that we think, “Man that would be perfect for xyz”.
But we rarely, if ever, capture these ideas and lessons.
By having a notepad jamming into your leg all day, you’ll be reminded to take 15 seconds and jot down these ideas and lessons as they arise.
AND you’ll get bonus points when you’re in a social setting because other people will respect that you are trying to learn from them (and that you’re not whipping your phone out to take notes instead).
3. Buy a Calendar and Do *THIS*
If there’s a goal or habit you’ve been trying to accomplish that you can’t seem to figure out, buy a big ass calendar and a red sharpie and use the Jerry Seinfeld technique.
Every day that you successfully move towards your goal or complete your habit (e.g. writing 100 words in your blog, exercising for 10 minutes, drinking 8 glasses of water) put a big red x on the calendar.
Your goal is to create a chain of consecutive days and to NEVER break the chain.
Keep the calendar where you can see it and you’ll be much more likely to follow through on those goals and dreams.
4. Download This App
Pull out your phone right now and download Instacart.
It’s a grocery delivery app that will save you HOURS of time and thousands of dollars in the long run.
Here’s the thing…
Grocery shopping is a waste of time.
You have to write out your list, drive to the store, shop for items, wait in line, and you end up leaving with dozens of dollars worth of crappy foods that you never intended to buy.
By having a meal plan created for your weeks and using Instacart to get your groceries delivered to your door, you’ll save at least 4–5 hours of time each week and hundreds of dollars each year.
5. Put 3 Books in Your Bathroom and Leave Your Phone Out of It
It’s almost a cliche at this point… Using the bathroom and dicking around on your phone.
But here’s the thing… If you’re going to spend ~30 minutes on the crapper every day anyway, why not use that time to grow and expand your mind.
Put a few high-quality books in your bathroom next to the toilet and pick them up any time you need to “relieve:” yourself.
You’ll be amazed at how many pages this simple trick will help you read.
6. Black Out the Windows in Your Bedroom
Use black contractor trash bags if you have to but block out ALL of the light in your room.
It will have a profound impact on the quality of your sleep and help you perform far better during the day.
7. Say This ONE Word
That’s it.
When you don’t feel like doing something, use this 2-second life hack and save yourself hours of time and plenty of headaches.
8. Make Someone Love You in 60 Seconds
Here’s a great life hack that takes only 60 seconds.
Make other people look good.
Seriously, the next time you’re in a group of people, take one minute and compliment/praise someone else in the group.
They will love you for making them look good publicly and other people will respect you more because you hung up your ego and focused the attention on someone else.
9. Buy These Three Things and Keep them at Your Office
Buy a kettlebell, a blue light machine, and a standing desk extension.
It will make your days far healthier and more productive and will cost you less than $300.
I promise it’s worth it.
10. Spend the First 60 Seconds Of Your Day Like THIS
When you wake up, drink a large glass of lemon water and then stand outside in the sunlight barefoot.
This will wake you up, invigorate you, and pull you out of your morning slump faster than any cup of coffee.
11. Minimize Your Material Possessions and Focus on Quality Over Quantity
True joy is found in beauty and passion, not in “things”.
If you want to massively improve the quality of your life overnight, then commit to becoming a minimalist.
Throw out everything in your house or apartment that is cluttering your living space and distracting you from the life you truly want.
Buy only what you need and always buy high quality items instead of cheap bargains.
12. Remember: Garbage In, Garbage Out
People forget the old adage that “Thoughts become things”. When you are filling your head with negative news, violent and grotesque movies, angry music, and generally pessimistic crap, you will bring more of it into your life.
Set a strict filter for what you will allow into your mind and life and never underestimate the impact that things have on your mindset.
13. Quit Complaining
If you have the ability to read this answer, then you have a lot to be grateful for (even if you don’t believe so).
Quit complaining and shift your focus towards the positive outcome you desire.
It will change your life.
14. Express Gratitude Daily
As Tony Robbins says, “When gratitude appears, fear dissapears.” If you want to supercharge your life and success, then don’t just eliminate the negativity, replace it with positive self talk and daily gratitude.
15. Set and Keep a Morning Routine
The quality of your mornings determines the quality of your days which determine the quality of your weeks, months, years, and eventually, your life.
Start your mornings with positivity, gratitude, and a focus on your biggest goal or aspiration.
I promise it will change your life.
16. Meditate Daily
In the Western world we are constantly living in the past and the future, but never the present.
Spend time each day reconnecting to the present moment and becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings now.
17. Take Your Sleep Seriously
Sleep deprivation has been shown to lead to obesity, diabetes, cognitive decline, cancer, and all sorts of other nasty maladies.
If you want to live the best life possible, then you must take your rest and recovery seriously.
Sleep at least 7 hours a night in a cold pitch black room.
Have an evening routine, power off all electronics one hour before bed, and quit eating after 7:30.
It will make a huge difference in how you feel and act.
18. Sweat Everyday
Not everyone should become a bodybuilder, marathon runner, or crossfit competitor.
But everyone should sweat daily.
Exercise has been proven to be more beneficial for your quality of life than damn near anything else in the world.
Sweat everyday for at least 20 minutes and thank yourself later.
19. Feed Your Mind Daily
Studies have shown that most CEO's read about 50 books a year.
Spend at least 30 minutes a day filling your mind with new information and positive messages and it will have a huge impact on your ability to successfully navigate the game of life.
Other people have spent decades learning lessons that you can learn in a matter of minutes.
Don’t waste the opportunity to learn from their actions and mistakes.
20. Be Careful About the Words You Use
People underestimate the impact that their self talk has on their brains and lives.
If you tell yourself that you are stupid, incapable of achieving success, or unlucky, you will bring those things into your reality.
If you tell yourself that you are smart, capable, and powerful beyond measure, your brain will find ways to confirm these beliefs and help you build a more amazing life.
Talk to yourself the same way that you would talk to a treasured friend.

Author: verified_user


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